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Alumni Association

To be a Huskie is to be a part of a legacy of tradition and excellence. The Alumni Association of Oak Park and River Forest High School was organized in 2002 for two distinct purposes. The first was to provide opportunities for alumni to maintain and enhance connections with their classmates and with the OPRFHS community.  The second was to provide a means for alumni to financially support new generations of Huskies in their pursuit of Those Things That Are Best. 

The Alumni Association invites all graduates of OPRFHS to join the generations of alumni who have not only maintained strong ties to the school, but continue to support special programs, activities, scholarships, and grants that directly benefit students. Learn more about making a donation to the Alumni Association here.

The Alumni Association serves alumni through newsletters, email bulletins, websites, reunion support, and special events. 

Contact Information

Phone: (708) 434-3281
On Facebook: @OPRFAlumni

Mail: 201 N. Scoville Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302

Keep in touch!

Sign up for email bulletins: 

Sign up for email notices of Alumni Events.

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